learning companion

The companion book for all learning companions

The SUMRADEI method In this handbook for learning guides you will find specific exercises and teaching suggestions for each letter. Helpful explanations for successful application can be read step by step, taking the primer into account. Anyone who is interested in helping to internalize the letters over the long term can be a learning companion. - Parents, grandparents, older siblings or teacher -. The Sumradei method is logical, easy to understand and easy to teach.

The manual for learning companions The Sumradei Method has also proven to be a real treasure trove in adult education.

The Sumradei method uses the different learning channels of the students.

  • Children with motor and tactile talent will learn successfully by writing - painting - tracing the letters - separating the characters - experiencing by touching and touching - writing in the air.
  • Pupils with increased acoustic-auditory abilities succeed by speaking - hearing - sound forms of the vowels and consonants - rhymes - clapping syllables - texts that please.
  • The visually gifted learn reliably through symbols - associations of images - colors and spin-offs.
  • Finger, hand, and body movements internalize phonemic signs, appealing to students who learn through movement and activity.
  • And last but not least, there are students whose talent lies in the practical area. You learn by taking action and by conscious experience. If joy and success are your companions, previously closed parts of your soul will also open up.

We would like to clarify what has been said using the following examples

Example of the introduction of the small - i -

An example of introducing the big - B -

An example of introducing the small -d-

What font do I need?

Using the font samples, you can easily determine the right font. It should be consistent with the script that children learn in school.

Simplified school exit script

school exit font

Latin source script

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